Promoting physical activity in the German health care system – establishing pathways for physical activity referral schemes for people with noncommunicable diseases
To design, implement and evaluate a Physical Activity Referral System (PARS) to promote physical activity for people with non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The resulting concepts are intended to be transferred into the routine practice of the health care system and thus become sustainable. The aim is to achieve maximum public health impact.
The PARS will be tested and evaluated at the regional level. At the end of the project, a concept for transfer to other regions will be developed.
The project addresses current national (National Recommendations for Physical Activity) and international (WHO – Global Action Plan on Physical Activity) recommendations for increased and systematic promotion of physical activity in health care settings.
The German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), as the funding agency of the BewegtVersorgt project, aims to make the health potential of physical activity known to the entire population.

All relevant health system actors, potential physical activity providers and stakeholders will be involved in the conceptual and content development as well as in the preparation of the implementation and evaluation plan. In the implementation phase, the PARS will be implemented with all stakeholders in a regional pilot project. Based on the results of the evaluation, a scaling concept will be developed for transfer to regular use. In terms of participatory health promotion, this approach increases the chances of ensuring sustainability.
Development of PARS using a participatory research approach.

The first phase involved the participatory development of a PARS model for people with NCDs. Relevant actors in the health care system (physicians, funding agencies, care providers) and potential providers of physical activity (physiotherapists, organised sports) were involved in the conceptual and content development, including the preparation of an implementation and evaluation plan.
In the implementation phase, the PARS concept was implemented, tested and evaluated with a pilot project in the region.
Based on the results of the evaluation, a dissemination and scaling-up concept for transfer at national level will be developed.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Pfeifer (Projektleitung)
PD Dr. Karim Abu-Omar (Projektleitung)
Dr. Sarah Klamroth (Projektkoordination)
Dr. Anja Weißenfels (Vertretung Projektkoordination)
Dr. Eriselda Mino
Inga Naber
PD Dr. Wolfgang Geidl
Prof. Dr. Peter Gelius
Eva Lorenz
BLÄK – Bayerische Landesärztekammer
BHÄV – Bayerischer Hausärzteverband e.V.
BSÄV – Bayerischer Sportärzteverband e.V.
AOK Bayern – Die Gesundheitskasse
DAK-Gesundheit – Landesvertretung Bayern
DOSB – Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund e.V.
DVGS – Deutscher Verband für Gesundheitssport und Sporttherapie e.V.
IFK – Bundesverband selbstständiger Physiotherapeuten e.V.
VDB – Physiotherapieverband e.V.
DDH-M – Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe – Menschen mit Diabetes e.V.
ZePG – Zentrum Patientenschulung und Gesundheitsförderung e.V.
Deutsche Rheuma-Liga Landesverband Bayern e.V.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Pfeifer
Tel.: +49 (0)9131 – 85 25465
Fax: +49 (0)9131 – 85 25467
Update: The BewegtVersorgt project ended on 31 December 2024. The quantitative and qualitative data collected during the project were analysed and presented to all participating physicians and physical activity professionals as well as the project partners in two project workshops. In addition, a sustainability concept was developed based on these workshops (Phase 4). The final project report will soon be available on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health. Based on the results of the BewegtVersorgt project, the project team plans to submit another research proposal in 2025 to continue the topic of physical activity in the healthcare setting.
Publications and conference contributions: overview