Sensorimotor training
Expertise sensorimotor training / proprioceptive training
In recent years, training concepts and programmes have been established under various headings that aim to improve sensorimotor abilities within the framework of prevention, rehabilitation and performance-oriented training. However, studies on the effectiveness of sensorimotor training within the different fields of application provide contradictory statements which are difficult to classify due to differences in the research methodology and the measured outcomes.
The aim of the expertise was to examine the effectiveness of sensorimotor exercise content by systematically reviewing the state of research in accordance with internationally recognised standards (Cochrane Standard). The degree of evidence was derived on the basis of the evaluation of the methodological quality of relevant studies.
The results of the review show that only a few high-quality studies on the effectiveness of sensorimotor training are currently available. On the basis of these studies, a good effectiveness of sensorimotor training at a high level of evidence could be ensured for prevention. With regard to the rehabilitation of different clinical pictures and the improvement of performance, however, no explicit advantage of sensorimotor training compared to other exercise contents (e.g. strength training) was proven for numerous outcomes.
Period: 2007-2008
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Klaus Pfeifer
Project staff: Dr. Astrid Zech, Dr. Markus Hübscher
Cooperation partners: Prof. Dr. Winfried Banzer, Prof. Dr. Frank Hänsel, PD Dr. Lutz Vogt
Sponsor: Federal Institute for Sports Science (BiSP)
Previous publications
Zech A., Hübscher M., Vogt L., Banzer W., Pfeifer K. Sensomotorisches Training in der Therapie ausgewählter Sportverletzungen. Ein systematisches Review nach Cochrane-Standard. In: Woll A., Knoll M. (Hrsg.): Sport und Gesundheit in der Lebensspanne. Hamburg, Cwalina, 260-264
Hübscher M., Zech A., Pfeifer K., Vogt L., Banzer W. Sensomotorisches Training und Verletzungsprävention – eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit. In: Woll A., Knoll M. (Hrsg.): Sport und Gesundheit in der Lebensspanne. Hamburg, Cwalina, 265-269
Zech A, Hübscher M, Vogt L, Banzer W, Hänsel F, Pfeifer K. Neuromuscular training for rehabilitation of sports injuries. A systematic review. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009; 41(10):1831-1841.
Hübscher M, Zech A, Vogt L, Pfeifer K, Hänsel F, Banzer W. Neuromuscular training for sports injury prevention: a systematic review. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010; 42(3)
Zech A, Hübscher M, Vogt L, Banzer W, Hänsel F, Pfeifer K. Balance training for neuromuscular control and performance enhancement. A systematic review. J Athl Train (angenommen, im Druck)