Research projects
IMPAQT aims at promoting health equity through physical activity promoting public policies. This is to be achieved through further development and application of a policy monitoring instrument for physical activity promotion, the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI).
KAB-Mon aims at developing and testing a tool for the systematic data collection for the indicator “embedment of physical activity as part of the federal state’s policies for child care centers”.
The project LARGE aims at generating knowledge on physical activity (PA) related public policy monitoring on the local level.
Update and Further Development of the National Recommendations for Physical Activity and Physical Activity Promotion (NEBB-Update)
Currently there are no projects developing policy briefs on physical activity promotion
The research project VERBUND (Scaling-Up and Cooperative Implementation of Community-Based Physical Activity Promotion) builds upon experiences of the implementation of the National Recommendations for Physical Activity and Physical Activity Promotion within the project KOMBINE (Community-Based Physical Activity Promotion for the Implementation of the National Recommendations).
The BIG project targets the physical activity promotion of women in difficult life situations, strengthening women’s health competence and establishing health-promoting structures in the community setting.
Currently there are no projects in health care.
Target group
The research project VERBUND (Scaling-Up and Cooperative Implementation of Community-Based Physical Activity Promotion) builds on experiences of the implementation of the National Recommendations for Physical Activity and Physical Activity Promotion within the project KOMBINE (Community-Based Physical Activity Promotion for the Implementation of the National Recommendations).
The Bikepool project aims to evaluate the potential of a school intervention to promote cycling among children and adolescents.
The BIG project targets the precise goals of promoting physical activity among women in disadvantaged life circumstances, strengthening women’s health competence and establishing health-promoting structures.
The TakeCare! project is dedicated to the question of how physical activity-related health competence (PAHCO) can best be implemented at Bavarian nursing schools.