2025 Tristram, C., Marzi, I., Beck, F., Diehl, K., Renninger, D., Demetriou, Y.,... Reimers, A.K. (2025). Parental and adolescents' perspectives on environmental predictors of active commuting to school - findings from the ARRIVE mixed-methods study . Frontiers in Built Environment , 10 . Whiting, S., Abu-Omar, K., Gelius, P., Firmino-Machado, J., Rakovac, I., & Mendes, R. (2025). Physical activity policy implementation and physical activity levels in the European Union: Are we on track to close the gap between policy and practice? Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) , 151 . 2024 Abou-Dakn, M., Abu-Omar, K., Alaze-Hagemann, F., Alexy, U., Bauer, C.P., Beyer, K.,... Zietlow, A.L. (2024). Nutrition and physical activity in infants and breastfeeding women 2024: Partly updated recommendations by “Healthy Start Network” (Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben) Ernährung und Bewegung von Säuglingen und stillenden Frauen 2024: Teilaktualisierte Handlungsempfehlungen des bundesweiten Netzwerks Gesund ins Leben . Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde . Abou-Dakn, M., Abu-Omar, K., Alaze-Hagemann, F., Alexy, U., Bauer, C.P., Beyer, K.,... Zietlow, A.L. (2024). Update: Nutrition and physical activity in infants and breastfeeding women 2024: Partly updated recommendations by “Healthy Start Network” (Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben) on the selection of infant nutrition in increased allergy risk and on fluoride use Update: Ernährung und Bewegung von Säuglingen und stillenden Frauen 2024: Teilaktualisierte Handlungsempfehlungen des bundesweiten Netzwerk Gesund ins Leben zur Auswahl von Säuglingsnahrung bei erhöhtem Allergierisiko und zur Fluoridgabe . Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde , 172 (10), 901-904. Beck, F., Swelam, B.A., Dettweiler, U., Krieger, C., & Reimers, A.K. (2024). Compensatory behavior of physical activity in adolescents – a qualitative analysis of the underlying mechanisms and influencing factors . BMC Public Health , 24 (1). Carl, J., Abu-Omar, K., Bernard, P., Lohmann, J., White, P., Peters, J.,... Barnett, L.M. (2024). Physical Literacy in the Context of Climate Change: Is There a Need for Further Refinement of the Concept? Journal of Physical Activity and Health , 21 (4), 316-319. Demetriou, Y., Beck, F., Sturm, D.J., Abu-Omar, K., Forberger, S., Hebestreit, A.,... Reimers, A.K. (2024). Germany’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research . Gelius, P., Messing, S., Tcymbal, A., Birkholz, L., & Abu-Omar, K. (2024). Physical Activity as a Victim, a Perpetrator, or Part of the Solution to the Climate Crisis? Journal of Physical Activity and Health , 21 (12), 1220-1222. Kreiml, V., Sauter, A., Abu-Omar, K., Eickmann, S., & Herrmann-Johns, A. (2024). “That's like therapy”—A qualitative study on socially disadvantaged women's views on the effects of a community-based participatory research project on their health and health behavior . Frontiers in Public Health , 12 . Mino, E., Pfeifer, K., Hanson, C.L., Schuler, M., Brandmeier, A., Klamroth, S.,... Geidl, W. (2024). Are physical activity referral scheme components associated with increased physical activity, scheme uptake, and adherence rate? A meta-analysis and meta-regression . International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 21 (1). Reimers, A.K., & Demetriou, Y. (2024). Active mobility—(also) a topic for sport science? German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research , 54 (1), 116-120. Reimers, A.K., & Wollesen, B. (2024). Recent developments in the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research: Steps to enhance process and manuscript quality . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research , 54 (4), 495-499. Tristram, C., Finger, J.D., Manz, K., John, S., & Reimers, A.K. (2024). Monitoring von körperlicher Aktivität und Bewegungsförderung – Entwicklung eines Befragungsinstruments zu den Indikatoren „Walkability“ und „Bikeability“ für das Präventionsindikatorensystem der Länder (Projekt KAB-Mon) . Paper presentation at Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Gesundheit, Bayreuth. 2023 Beck, F., Marzi, I., Eisenreich, A., Seemüller, S., Tristram, C., & Reimers, A.K. (2023). Determination of cut-off points for the Move4 accelerometer in children aged 8–13 years . BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation , 15 (1). Beck, F., Marzi, I., Renninger, D., Demetriou, Y., Engels, E., Niermann, C., & Reimers, A.K. (2023). Associations of parents’ and adolescents’ active travel behavior across various destinations – a sex/gender analysis . BMC Public Health , 23 . Görig, T., Apfelbacher, C., Drewitz, K.P., Reimers, A.K., Breitbart, E.W., & Diehl, K. (2023). Sunburn and sun protection during recreational outdoor sport in summer: Findings from the German general population aged 16–65 years . Photodermatology Photoimmunology & Photomedicine . Klos, L., Burchartz, A., Niessner, C., Reimers, A.K., Thron, M., Woll, A., & Wäsche, H. (2023). Active school transport routines during school transitions: Socio-structural predictors of changes from childhood into early adulthood . Health & Place , 81 . Linder, S., Herbert-Maul, A., Ziemainz, H., Thiel, A., Holle, R., Laxy, M.,... Abu-Omar, K. (2023). Promoting physical activity among socially disadvantaged women: Findings on target group outreach, course retention, and impact of the BIG project as a case study for participatory interventions in community settings Bewegungsförderung bei sozial benachteiligten Frauen: Erkenntnisse zur Zielgruppenerreichung, Kursbindung und Wirkung des BIG-Projekts als Fallstudie für partizipative Interventionen im kommunalen Setting . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research . Marzi, I., Beck, F., Engels, E., Renninger, D., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2023). Adolescents' travel behavior in Germany: Investigating transport mode choice considering destination, travel distance, and urbanization . Journal of Transport Geography , 112 . Messing, S., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., Marzi, I., Beck, F., Geidl, W.,... Pfeifer, K. (2023). Developing a policy brief on physical activity promotion for children and adolescents . Frontiers in Public Health , 11 . Pedron, S., Herbert-Maul, A., Sauter, A., Linder, S., Sommer, R., Vomhof, M.,... Laxy, M. (2023). Preferences of women in difficult life situations for a physical activity programme: protocol of a discrete choice experiment in the German NU-BIG project . BMJ Open , 13 (7). Renninger, D., Bachner, J., García-Massó, X., Molina-García, J., Reimers, A.K., Marzi, I.,... Demetriou, Y. (2023). Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Active Travel to Different Destinations: A Cluster Analysis with Adolescents Living in Germany . Behavioral Sciences , 13 (3). Renninger, D., Reimers, A.K., Marzi, I., Beck, F., Krieger, C., & Demetriou, Y. (2023). How do adolescents experience the decision-making process on travel mode choice? Health promotion international , 38 (6). Rütten, A., Semrau, J., & Wolff, A.R. (2023). Development of health-promoting structures through cooperative planning Entwicklung gesundheitsförderlicher Strukturen durch kooperative Planung . Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung . Sauter, A., Herbert-Maul, A., Abu-Omar, K., Thiel, A., Ziemainz, H., Frahsa, A.,... Herrmann-Johns, A. (2023). Corrigendum: “For me, it's just a piece of freedom”—Increased empowerment through physical activity promotion among socially disadvantaged women(Front. Public Health, (2022), 10, (867626), 10.3389/fpubh.2022.867626) . Frontiers in Public Health , 11 . Sauter, A., Linder, S., Abu-Omar, K., Sommer, R., & Herrmann-Johns, A. (2023). Resilient communities? A qualitative interview study on sustaining a community project for health promotion among socially disadvantaged women during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic . BMC Public Health , 23 (1). Seemüller, S., Beck, F., & Reimers, A.K. (2023). Physical activity of children and adolescents who use a wheelchair: a systematic review . BMC Public Health , 23 (1). Seemüller, S., Beck, F., Tristram, C., Marzi, I., Renninger, D., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2023). The role of parental environmental self-identity in active travel behavior within parent–adolescent dyads . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research , 54 , 135-144. Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Streber, A., Fleuren, T., Herbert-Maul, A., Reimers, A.K., & Ziemainz, H. (2023). Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Messung der kommunalen Kapazitäten für partizipative Bewegungsprogramme: eine Think-aloud-Studie . Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung . Tristram, C., Diehl, K., Beck, F., Renninger, D., Marzi, I., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2023). Unterschiede der wahrgenommenen physischen und sozialen Umwelt in Bezug auf aktive Mobilität zwischen Jugendlichen und ihren Eltern . Paper presentation at 26. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag der DVS, Bochum. Tristram, C., Reimers, A.K., Renninger, D., Beck, F., Demetriou, Y., & Marzi, I. (2023). Parental perspectives on the decision-making process on transport mode choice in adolescents: a qualitative study with mothers and fathers . Frontiers in Psychology , 14 . 2022 Aubert, S., Barnes, J.D., Demchenko, I., Hawthorne, M., Abdeta, C., Nader, P.A.,... Tremblay, M.S. (2022). Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Adolescents: Results and Analyses From 57 Countries . Journal of Physical Activity and Health , 19 (11), 700-728. Beck, F., Dettweiler, U., Sturm, D.J., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Compensation of overall physical activity in (pre)adolescent girls – the CReActivity project . Archives of Public Health , 80 . Beck, F., Dettweiler, U., Sturm, D.J., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Kompensation körperlicher Aktivität bei jugendlichen Mädchen . In Proceedings of the Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Gesundheit . Tübingen. Beck, F., Engel, F., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Compensation or Displacement of Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Empirical Studies . Children , 9 , 351. Beck, F., Marzi, I., Engels, E., Renninger, D., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mobilitätsverhalten von Jugendlichen und ihren Eltern . In Wegner M & Jürgensen J (Eds.), Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft . Kiel. Beck, F., Marzi, I., Tristram, C., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Bewegungsaktivität und Bewegungsmangel . Beck, F., Schmidt, S.C.E., Woll, A., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Family predictors of physical activity change during the COVID-19 lockdown in preschool children in Germany . Journal of Behavioral Medicine . Beck, F., Siefken, K., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Physical Activity in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Changes in Activity Prevalence in Germany . Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin , 73 (5), 175-183. Birkholz, L., Weber, P., Dippon, L., Helsper, N., Kohler, S., Pfeifer, K.,... Semrau, J. (2022). Schlüsselkomponenten für die Verbreitung bewegungsbezogener Gesundheitsförderung . In Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft (Hrg.), Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. Abstractband des 25. dvs-Hochschultages, Kiel / virtuell, 29.–31. März 2022 (S. 148). Hamburg: Feldhaus Edition Czwalina. Engels, E., Reimers, A.K., Pickel, M., & Freund, P.A. (2022). Personality traits moderate the relationships between psychological needs and enjoyment of physical activity . Psychology of Sport and Exercise , 61 . Ferschl, S., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., & Abel, T. (2022). P08-11 Capabilities and capitals for leisure-time physical activity among young adults: findings from Switzerland . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Ferschl, S., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., Till, M., Benkert, R., & Abel, T. (2022). Exploring Well-Being and Its Correlates among Young Men Using Sen’s Capability Approach: Results from the Young Adults Survey, Switzerland (YASS) . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19 (3). Gelius, P., Sommer, R., Ferschl, S., Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Semrau, J.,... Thiel, A. (2022). S11 Improving knowledge co-creation and participation in physical activity promotion: The cooperative planning approach . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Gelius, P., Till, M., Sommer, R., Ferschl, S., & Abu-Omar, K. (2022, August). The cooperative planning approach in health promotion: Theoretical foundation, theoretical classification and key elements . Paper presentation at 2022 HEPA Europe Conference: An Ecosystem Approach to Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Promotion, Nizza, FR. Görig, T., Reimers, A.K., Breitbart, E., & Diehl, K. (2022). Sun Protection and Sunburn during Outdoor sports Activities: Results of a nationwide Survey . In GESUNDHEITSWESEN (pp. 752-753). STUTTGART: GEORG THIEME VERLAG KG. Hartung, V., Messing, S., Pfeifer, K., Geidl, W., & Abu-Omar, K. (2022). Disseminierung der Nationalen Bewegungsempfehlungen: Partizipative Entwicklung von Disseminierungsstrategien in Deutschland . Gesundheitswesen , 84 (11), 1015-1021. Helsper, N., Semrau, J., Kohler, S., Dippon, L., Abu-Omar, K., Rütten, A., & Pfeifer, K. (2022). O3-1 Key factors for sustainable implementation of community-based physical activity promotion with a focus on individuals with social disadvantages: a systematic review with narrative synthesis . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . Nizza, FR: OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Herbert-Maul, A., Abu-Omar, K., Till, M., Fleuren, T., Wolff, A.R., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Präventionsdilemma auf kommunaler Ebene? Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung . Klamroth, S., Naber, I., Mino, E., Geidl, W., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., & Pfeifer, K. (2022). P07-11 Physical activity promotion in the German healthcare system-Establishing pathways of exercise referral for persons with noncommunicable diseases . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Kohler, S., Semrau, J., Helsper, N., Dippon, L., Abu-Omar, K., Pfeifer, K., & Rütten, A. (2022). P08-05 Community-based interventions to promote physical activity among individuals with social disadvantages . In European Journal of Public Health . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Linder, S., Ferschl, S., Abu-Omar, K., Ziemainz, H., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Evaluating physical activity interventions for socioeconomically disadvantaged adults through the RE-AIM framework: A systematic review of experimental and non–/quasi-experimental trials . Preventive Medicine Reports , 29 , 101943. Linder, S., Jörg, R., & Ziemainz, H. (2022). “Character Is the Most Important Thing in Soccer”—A Pilot Study on the Development and Effectiveness of a Character Building Program in High-Performance Youth Soccer . Advances in Physical Education , 12 , 217-235. Marzi, I., Renninger, D., Krieger, C., Beck, F., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Sozial-ökologische Determinanten der aktiven Mobilität von Jugendlichen: Ergebnisse qualitativer Interviews mit Eltern und Jugendlichen . In Proceedings of the Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Gesundheit . Tübingen. Mino, E., Geidl, W., Hanson, C., Mchale, S., Naber, I., Weißenfels, A.,... Pfeifer, K. (2022, September). Schlüsselkomponenten von Bewegungsversorgungsketten: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit . Paper presentation at Jahrestagung dvs-Kommission Gesundheit, Tübingen, DE. Mino, E., Hanson, C., Geidl, W., Naber, I., Mchale, S., Klamroth, S.,... Pfeifer, K. (2022, September). P07-04 A systematic review of key interventional elements in international exercise referral schemes . Poster presentation at HEPA Europe 2022, Nice, France, FR. Naber, I., Klamroth, S., Weißenfels, A., Geidl, W., Mino, E., Gelius, P.,... Pfeifer, K. (2022). Aufbau eines Interventionskonzeptes zur Förderung der bewegungsbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz in der Gesundheitsversorgung . Paper presentation at Jahrestagung dvs-Kommission Gesundheit, Institut für Sportwissenschaft in Tübingen. Naber, I., Klamroth, S., Weißenfels, A., Geidl, W., Streber, R., Mino, E.,... Pfeifer, K. (2022). Förderung von bewegungsbezogener Gesundheitskompetenz in ärztlich verordneten Bewegungsinterventionen – Aufbau des Interventionskonzeptes im Forschungsprojekt BewegtVersorgt. Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport , 38 (02), 44-54. Naber, I., Mino, E., Klamroth, S., Weißenfels, A., Geidl, W., Gelius, P.,... Pfeifer, K. (2022, August). P07-12 Stakeholders perspectives on exercise referral schemes in Germany . Poster presentation. Reimers, A.K., Brand, R., Voelcker-Rehage, C., & Wollesen, B. (2022). Partial replacement of the Editorial Board of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research : Fluent transition . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research , 52 (4), 497-503. Reimers, A.K., Marzi, I., Beck, F., Engels, E., Renninger, D., Buttazzoni, A.,... Demetriou, Y. (2022). Active travel behaviour in the family environment: Protocol for the mixed-methods cross-sectional ARRIVE study . BMJ Open , 12 (2). Renninger, D., Kelso, A., Reimers, A.K., Marzi, I., Beck, F., Engels, E.,... Demetriou, Y. (2022). Motivation and active travel in adolescent girls and boys in Germany – Findings from the ARRIVE study . Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour , 90 , 425-437. Sandu, P., Chereches, R.M., Papiu, A., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., Takeda, N.,... Tuunanen, K. (2022). P01-01 Assessment of local governments' involvement in sport and physical activity policy promotion - LoGoPAS project . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Sauter, A., Abu-Omar, K., Linder, S., Sommer, R., & Herrmann-Johns, A. (2022). Resilient communities? A qualitative interview study on the maintenance of an exercise project for women in difficult life situations (BIG project) during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic . In GESUNDHEITSWESEN (pp. 807-807). STUTTGART: GEORG THIEME VERLAG KG. Sauter, A., Herbert-Maul, A., Abu-Omar, K., Thiel, A., Ziemainz, H., Frahsa, A.,... Herrmann-Johns, A. (2022). “For me, it's just a piece of freedom”—Increased empowerment through physical activity promotion among socially disadvantaged women . Frontiers in Public Health , 10 . Seemüller, S., Reimers, A.K., & Marzi, I. (2022). Eine Perspektive von Grundschulkindern auf Bedingungsfaktoren der aktiven und eigenständigen Mobilität – eine qualitative Studie . Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport . Sommer, R., Till, M., Sauter, A., Gelius, P., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Measurement instruments for community member participation in health promotion research: Preliminary results from a systematic review. In Proceedings of the eass & ISSA . Tübingen, DE. Stanley, I., Neumann-Podczaska, A., Wieczorowska-Tobis, K., Mensink, G.B.M., Rosas, L.G., Do, S.,... Murrin, C. (2022). Health surveillance indicators for diet and physical activity: what is available in European data sets for policy evaluation? European Journal of Public Health . Tcymbal, A., Abu-Omar, K., Hartung, V., Busskamp, A., Comito, C., Rossmann, C.,... Reimers, A.K. (2022). Interventions simultaneously promoting social participation and physical activity in community living older adults: A systematic review . Frontiers in Public Health , 10 . Tcymbal, A., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., Messing, S., Whiting, S., & Kremlin, W. (2022). P01-15 National focal point network for physical activity promotion-experiences from the european union . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Tcymbal, A., Gelius, P., Abu-Omar, K., Messing, S., Whiting, S., & Wickramasinghe, K. (2022). Cross-country collaboration for physical activity promotion: experiences from the European Union Physical Activity Focal Points Network . European Journal of Public Health , 32 (1), i14-i21. Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Ferschl, S., Abel, T., Pfeifer, K., & Gelius, P. (2022, August). An alternative framework for HEPA projects: Developing recommendations for the use of the Capability Approach . Paper presentation at 11th HEPA Conference, Nizza, FR. Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Ferschl, S., Abel, T., Pfeifer, K., & Gelius, P. (2022). Implementing the capability approach in health promotion projects: Recommendations for implementation based on empirical evidence . Evaluation and Program Planning , 95 , 102149. Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Ferschl, S., Abel, T., Pfeifer, K., & Gelius, P. (2022). Implementing the capability approach in health promotion projects: Recommendations for implementation based on empirical evidence . Evaluation and Program Planning , 95 . Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Ferschl, S., Abel, T., Pfeifer, K., & Gelius, P. (2022). Using the Capability Approach in participatory research projects for physical activity: guidelines for implementation. In Proceedings of the eass & ISSA . Tübingen. Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., & Gelius, P. (2022). The Capability Approach in physical activity promotion: Using the example of the BIG project Der Capability-Ansatz in der Bewegungsförderung: Das Beispiel des BIG-Projekts . Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung . Till, M., Abu-Omar, K., Herbert-Maul, A., Fleuren, T., Reimers, A.K., & Ziemainz, H. (2022). Scaling Up Physical Activity Promotion Projects on the Community Level for Women in Difficult Life Situations and Older People: BIG-5 and GET-10—A Study Protocol . Frontiers in Public Health . Till, M., Ferschl, S., Abu-Omar, K., Reimers, A.K., & Gelius, P. (2022, September). Measuring capabilities for physical activity-related health outcomes: A Systematic review . Paper presentation at 11th HEPA Europe Conference, Nizza, FR. Tristram, C., Renninger, D., Beck, F., Demetriou, Y., & Reimers, A.K. (2022). Welchen Einfluss haben die Eltern auf die aktive Mobilität von Jugendlichen? Paper presentation at Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Gesundheit, Tübingen. Volf, K., Kelly, L., Bengoechea, E.G., Casey, B., Gelius, P., Messing, S.,... Woods, C. (2022). S09-3 Evidence of the impact of Sport Policies on physical activity and sport participation: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review . In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . OXFORD: OXFORD UNIV PRESS. Weber, P., Dippon, L., Helsper, N., Birkholz, L., Kohler, S., Pfeifer, K.,... Semrau, J. (2022). Praxisbasierte Evidenz für die Verbreitung und Umsetzung kommunaler Bewegungsförderung: nationale und lokale Perspektiven . In Manfred Wegner & Jonas Jürgensen (Hrg.), Sport, Mehr & Meer – Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung. Abstractband des 25. dvs-Hochschultages, Kiel / virtuell, 29.–31. März 2022 (S. 146). Hamburg: Feldhaus Edition Czwalina. Weißenfels, A., Klamroth, S., Carl, J., Naber, I., Mino, E., Geidl, W.,... Pfeifer, K. (2022). 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