Sport and Exercise Medicine
Research Outline
“Sport and Exercise Medicine” Division (Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Lochmann)
From a science theory point of view, an independent scientific discipline is defined by certain criteria i.e. its own subject area, its own research methods, a defined research field and a system for the subject-specific achievement of knowledge. Sports biology and exercise medicine deal with healthy and ill athletes. The task of the discipline is to transfer the findings and methods of theoretical and practical medicine to the challenges andactivities of sport. Furthermore, it investigates systematic effects of exercise and sports training as well as the lack thereof in healthy and ill people of all ages. This results in two main fields: one is medical assistance in competitive and popular sports, the other is a focused application of sports in prevention, therapy, rehabilitation and health promotion. Especially the latter should be part of any forward-looking sports biology and exercise medicine.
The balance of applied and basic research
With our activities, we want to provide innovative application concepts that can be used for movement-related health promotion and performance development in popular and competitive sports. These concepts should be available to local people in the form of services. With iQ-Move, we have successfully positioned a company on the market that is affiliated to the Division. In order for the discipline to be geared to the future, innovations in the field of further methodological developments are essential. Therefore, we pursue close cooperation with strong partners inside and outside the university environment. These range from engineering and scientific institutions to clinical cooperation partners and global firms such as adidas.
Sports Medical Examination Centre
Our services are targeted at health-conscious people of all ages, regardless of their current physical activity behaviour or performance level. In accordance with your personal training goal, you will receive individual fitness and health coaching based on a close integration of diagnostics and advice. You will be looked after exclusively by experts who are trained continuously as part of an ongoing quality process. Each service is always carried out by taking the current state of scientific knowledge into account.
The priorities are the promotion and maintenance of your health and fitness, maximum customer satisfaction and compliance with defined quality standards. 1,2,3
1 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention (DGSP, Germany Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention)
2 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (DGK, German Society for Cardiology)
3 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädisch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin (GOTS, Society for Orthopaedic Traumatologic Sports Medicine)
In teaching, we use modern e-learning concepts in addition to traditional forms of teaching. The strong applied nature of our courses offers us the possibility to recognise excellent young talents at an early stage and to inspire them to work on challenges relevant to sports biology and exercise medicine. Through intensive support and guidance of our students, we help them to achieve high-quality degrees and qualifications.