Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alfred Rütten
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alfred Rütten
Tasks at the department
- Senior Fellow of Sport Science
- Head of project German physical activity recommendations (2018-2020)
- in CRIS
Current research projects
- German physical activity recommendations (2014-2020)
- Capital4Health (2015-2018)
- EPHEPA (2016-2017)
- JANPA (2015-2017)
- BIG-Competence Centre (since 2011)
- GESTALT-Project (2010-2018)
- Further…
Other activities, memberships and functions
- Since 2016: Implementation of the National Recommendations on Physical Activity and Promotion of Physical Activity (for the Federal Ministry of Health; 2015 development)
- Since 2015: Implementation of the WHO European Strategy for Physical Activity (2014-15 development)
- Since 2015: Development/Implementation of political strategies for the promotion of physical activity in individual countries (Lithuania, Malta, Turkey)
- 2015-16: Review on the health economic benefits of physical activity (for the Conference of Sports Ministers)
- Since 2015: National Advisory Council on Cycling
- Since 2014: Scientific Advisory Board DTB
- Since 2013: Implementation of the European Physical Activity Guidelines (2007-8 development)
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